Hosting & Domainnames
As it is your name on the Internet it will be used in various situations:
- As your website URL
- As part of your email-address
- Soon to be as your VOIP-address when making telephone calls over the Internet
What it can be:
- Your company name (eg.
- A brand name (eg.
- Your surname (eg
- A generic name (eg, or anything else you come up with (as long as the domain name was not already registered)
How can Bene help you with domain names?
You don't have to bother about the technical issues as name-servers, registration procedures, etc All of that is included in our service We can register almost every TLD (top level domain) for you:
- .be
- .nl
- .eu
- .com
- .net
- .org
- .info
- .biz
- and many (seriously many, many) others
Your own spot on the Internet! Having a domain-name and a brand new and shiny website is very nice, but it is not worth a thing if you don't make it accessible for other people on the Internet. Our hosting service will provide you with space, memory, CPU-cycles:
- on a web server to make your website available for other people
- on a mail server so you can receive and send emails
- on a database server to hold all your business critical database
- We have all the technical knowledge and infrastructure in place to help you out in any situation
- Our fast and reliable servers host Windows, Linux,, PHP, Microsoft SQLServer, MySQL, POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, Webmail, Anti-spam-engines, Antivirus engines and all other stuff you never knew you actually need
- Our hosting platform is monitored 24/7 to make sure your website is available
- Our support is very customer oriented, you don't have to care about all the technical stuff, that's why we are here for...