project. You can read about the design process here.


May 20

A few short questions about the website

Posted by Benedikte Vanderweeën on 20/05/2012

Some weeks ago, i finished the logo for the project. You can read about the design process here.

The website was made by Glue - Twitter: @GlueWebDesign, a fine web design agency from Ghent.

Recently, I did an interview with Nico De Gols - Nico is a web developer working at Glue - asking him about the development method for the website.

A few short questions about the website:

Hi Nico, thanks for this little interview. A few weeks ago, the kick-off event was given in Brussels with the launch of the new logo and the website A nice looking website done by Glue, what are the main things people can search for on the website? Can you explain this a little? is a platform for organizations offering services towards startups. The idea is to build this into the community for startups looking for aide. In the future the platform could also be opened for startup companies as well.

Their is also a possibility to sign up, what should people sign up for? What information do they have to send?

Signing up means registering as an organization offering startup support. We ask common info such as location and contact details, as well as a brief description of the services offered.

The website looks intuïtive and slick, how did you develop de front-site? Which were the add-ons you used?

Startups was an exiting and fun project to work on, we could combine ExpressionEngine with an intuitive app-like interface.

The flexibility of EE's templating system and add-ons allowed us to create an easy to manage dashboard interface for the Startup users with a clear overview of their account data and program they are managing. Alongside the standard site we also created a mobile version which is more targeted towards fast and easy access of the key data.

How did the development of the back end went?

All member functionality like login, logout, forgot password, registration and account updates were handled by Zoo Visitor.

Adding and editing the startup programs was handled through Safecracker and we used GeoTagger for positioning the Startup locations on Google maps.

The frontend filtering and browsing is all handled by jQuery url changes in combination with a modified version of Zoo Triggers. That allowed us to create clean and descriptive url's.

Very informative details! Thanks a lot Nico for the insight!

Note: Glue is presententing on the EECI Conference in Leiden this year

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